CNR. Klasie Havenga & Frikkie Meyer Blvd.

Vanderbijlpark, 1911

Open Weekdays (07:45 - 16:15)

Closed on Weekends

Fire and Rescue

Mr PS Motlashuping

Mr PS Motlashuping
Chief Fire Officer

Tel : (016) 440 1007


To render a realistic and effective fire and rescue service throughout the Emfuleni Local Municipality so as to minimize the risks, impact and consequences of an emergency situation relating to life and property.


Main objectives of Fire Brigade & Rescue Services are:

  • Fire Brigade services
  • Rescue services

The division’s main task can be functionally divided into the following categories:

Operational services

  • Rendering of rescue services
  • Rendering of other related emergency functions
  • Operational services imply the actual performing of tasks at the scenes of existing emergencies.

Fire prevention

Rendering of fire safety services:

  • Apply relevant legislation concerning fire safety
  • Evaluation of building plans
  • Conducting fire safety inspections at industry and commerce
  • Provide fire safety advisory services
  • Liaise with developers in terms of fire safety measures
  • Conduct risk analysis in area of jurisdiction

Fire training

Community Training

We train approximately 60 public members per month in:

  • Elementary Fire-fighting
  • Buddy Aid

In-House Training

We are SETA Accredited and the following programmes are registered:

  • Fire Fighter 1
  • Fire Fighter 2
  • Hazmat Awareness
  • Hazmat Operations
  • Advance Fire-fighting
  • First Aid Level Three

Disaster Management

Disaster Management Plan Level 1 is been approved by the Council. The report to generate Level Plan two (2) is been submitted to the Council. The disaster Management Plan aligns with IDP.  This is in accordance with Disaster Management Act No. 57 of 2002 as well as National  Disaster Management Framework  of 2005.

Events Management

The Division Fire & Rescue has developed Events Management Policy and is following the process/ avenues  of getting it approved by the Council. The Policy is in accordance with both Safety at Sports Recreational Act No. 2 of 2010 and SANS 10366: 2006 ( Health and Safety at events)

Establishment of FPA (Fire Protection Association)

The Association is been established in terms of National Veld Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998.

Mr A Niewenhuizen
Mr A Niewenhuizen
Deputy Chief

Mr DR Marais
Mr DR Marais

Acting Deputy Chief: Fire Satety & Logistics

Mr MJ Ngubeni
Mr MJ Ngubeni

Regional Commander: Region 1

Mr SL Mokoena
Mr SL Mokoena

Regional Commander: Region 2

Mr C Combrink
Mr C Combrink

Regional Commander: Disaster Management, PIER & Training

Mr HP van Staden
Mr HP van Staden

Divional Officer: Fire Prevention
