Revenue Department
- To ensure that all customers are billed for the consumer services such as the following:
- Water
- Electricity
- Refuse
- Sewerage
- And all household owners are billed for basic charges and assessment rates as well, and all other debtors (Sundry Debtors) and the monies for all services are collected on a monthly basis. The moneys so collected are properly kept and to be used solely for the provision of services and any other improvements to the benefit of the community at large.
- To ensure that all properties in the entire are valued and billed in terms of Property Rates Act No.6 of 2004.
- To ensure that all customers receive their accurate monthly accounts on time scheduled.
- To implement proper and approved credit control measures to ensure that defaulters are identified and are made to pay their accounts or arrangement made.
- To implement the system of Customer Care that emphasizes the Batho Pele principles to ensure that the needs of the community are realized.