CNR. Klasie Havenga & Frikkie Meyer Blvd.

Vanderbijlpark, 1911

Open Weekdays (07:45 - 16:15)

Closed on Weekends

Emfuleni Local Municipality’s revenue summit

22 January 2013 - The Emfuleni Local Municipality is faced with serious challenges regarding municipal debt due to non-payment of services by residents. This problem is negatively affecting the Municipality’s ability to effectively render services to its communities.

The current debt due to non payment by consumers in standing at two-point-seven (2,7) billion rand and is increasing daily. For the past six months, the payment levels are sitting at 89%. Of great concern is that not only the poorest sections of our communities owe the Municipality, but also the wealthy sections of our communities.

As part of the plan to address this challenge, the Emfuleni Local Municipality will be rolling out a programme of action for revenue enhancement, by holding a REVENUE SUMMIT at four different areas within Emfuleni from 24 January to 07 February 2013.  These areas are:

  • Mphatlalatsane Hall in Sebokeng on 24th January 2013
  • Vereeniging Banquet Hall on 29th January 2013
  • Mafatsane Thusong Centre in Evaton on 30th January 2013
  • EMFULENI Local Municipality (main building) on 7th February 2013
  • 30th January 2013: Riviera Hotel
  • 7th February 2013: Stonehaven on the Vaal

The programme will start at 08h00 in all the areas.

The purpose of the SUMMIT is to among others, create and promote awareness of customer roles and responsibilities and also to clarify and discuss policies and procedures relating to Revenue and Governance.

Members of the media are invited to attend and give coverage to the SUMMIT on the above mentioned dates.

Issued by the Communication Unit

Enquiries: Paseka Rakosa
Spokesperson: Emfuleni Local Municipality
Contact: 082 429 1862
E-mail: pasekar@emfuleni.gov.za
