Media Room
Meida Statement: Emfuleni re-implements water rationing measures to save water
21st January 2017 - Emfuleni Local Municipality will re-start with water rationing measures from this coming Monday, the 23rd January 2017 in an effort to save water. The municipality had actually stopped with the rationing of water in December 2016 because of number of operational factors and high demand of water during that period.
In that process, the municipality did not meet the requirements or restrictions of 15% set by the national department of Water and sanitation. Water users did not make the situation any easier for the municipality to save water, and change behaviour towards water usage.
The municipality (ELM) has no choice but to take this drastic step as voluntary water saving measures by residents have averaged a savings rate of about 9.5% a week, a far cry from the required 15%. Recent rains have significantly improved Vaal Dam water levels to 61%. However, the country generally, and the province in particular, needs good rainfall for an extended period to come out of the drought of recent years.
Water rationing measures will initially be implemented from 20h00 to 06h00 every night starting from Monday, 23rd January 2017. This means that there will be no water during this period in the affected areas, especially in the high lying areas such as Evaton, Evaton North, Lakeside, Evaton West, Roshnee and Rustervaal, while the low lying areas such as Vanderbijlpark and its eastern part will experience a very low pressured water. During this period, the Vanderbijlpark areas will still receive little water because of the water stored in the reservoirs.
If these measures do not achieve the required 15%, the municipality will ration water during the day as well. The water rationing schedule is attached and is available from the municipality's website.
Emfuleni announced water restrictions in September 2016 and further said it would start levying penalties for excessive water consumption starting from October. In terms of the restrictions, businesses were required to reduce their water consumption by 15% of their average annual consumption and households not to exceed 25kl consumption per month. So far, about 3000 business units and 41 000 households have exceeded their allocated water usage.
The municipality urges residents to continue adhering to water restrictions and implement water saving measures. Restrictions include no watering of gardens during the day, no use of hosepipes, and no filling of swimming pools. Water saving measures include fixing of leaking pipes, taking five minute showers instead of using a bathtub, using a cup to brush teeth. More water saving tips can be found on the Emfuleni website www.emfuleni.gov.za
We all need to work together to ensure that every drop counts. Please report any water leakages or pipe bursts to the call centre on 016 986 8366 or 016 986 8300 alternatively contact customer care manager yeyakhe@emfuleni.gov.za. The municipality is improving measures to respond timeously to water loss in public areas.
Issued by
Mr. Stanley Gaba
Acting Manager: Communications
Contact: 0835017818